1664 Satinwood Street
Bunnell, FL
(800) 459-8675
Advertise your business and sell your merchandise by listing your telephone number or email address on your very own Webpage. Just answer the phone or check your email and watch the orders and inquiries start coming in by having a business presence that is always open 24 hours a day 7 days a week ready to do business with people from across the country and around the world. NEW Easy ECommerce sites that you can add merchandise to yourself if you like. Do you have a site already created, but are lacking the visitors? A1AWEB may be able to help your old site get better results with a little advice,
1) Meta Tags: Each of your pages should have meta tags within the html. To see examples of meta tags go to any of my sites pages and click on View/Source. AT the top of the html you will see the title, description and keywords....here you can add your own meta tags yourself or I can add them for you...I charge $20 per page to add meta tags to any pages of your site that do not have them or to improve the ones you already have.
I also add a tracker to the bottom of your front page so we can both see not only how many hits you are getting but also what search engines people are using to find you and what search terms they are using. This way we know if the meta tags are correct and also what search terms to use in keyword bidding thru Yahoo Search Marketing and Google Adwords.
2) Submit your site to the search engines:
After correctly worded meta tags have been added to each page of your site then it should be submitted to the search engines. I charge $20 per month to submit your site to the most popular search engines by hand, such as Yahoo, MSN, Google, Alta-Vista, etc.,. and also to over 280,000 search engines, hot lists, directories, indexes, classifieds and ffa lists using Engine Poster Pro software.
After your site is submitted it may take anywhere from 2 weeks to 6 months for the search engines to index your site. This is why I recommend doing Step #6 below (bidding on keywords thru Yahoo Search Marketing) while your site is waiting to be indexed.
