Agrotising, Inc.
Agrotising, Inc.
P.O. Box 16054
Plantation FL 33318-6054
(954) 587-9093
Fax (954) 587-9094
If you have a website but do not see your listing when running searches on a search engine giant like Google, Yahoo! Ask or MSN you're losing potentials sales.
Agrotising has been helping businesses improve their rankings with major search engines since 2004 when we gained our Certification for Search Engine Placement through the JER Group, an accredited online continuing eduction institution.
Much has changed with Search Engine Placement since 2004 and we have stayed on top of the latest expert advice and recommendations.
Our Search Engine Optimization Service Includes:
•Determining the best keyword phrases people will use when searching for your product or service.
•Editing web page titles and copy content to match to search strings
•Adding keyword and description meta tags
•Google Tune-Up - following Google's recommendations for optimizing your pages for better inclusion
Weekly Submissions with Online Reporting
Each week we will submit your website to the major search engines requesting they visit (spider or crawl) your site. You will also receive a weekly report which will give you important insight on how your website is ranking with the search engines.
Weekly Website Ranking Reports Will Show You:
•Engine Summary (Lists overall postion based on keyword phrases, what page on the search engine your listing appears on, your previous positon and overall change in postion)
•Keyword Summary (Reports on top 3 keyword phrases in Ask, Googe, MSN, Yahoo Web Results)
We keep an eye on your reports and make the necessary edits to your site to improve placement on an ongoing basis.
Local Search Results - Possibly Your Greatest Search Engine Tool
In a recent survey is was reported that 41% of all local searches are to find products or services near their home. 47% of local searchers visited a local shop or service after finding them online.
Our Search Engine Placement Program includes registering your website on Google Local Business Results and Yahoo! Local.
Call Chris today at 954-587-9093 ext. 10 for all the details.
Copyright 2009. Agrotising, Inc. All rights reserved.
