1780 Sugar Cove Court
Ocoee, Florida, USA 34761
Phone No: 718-362-0196
An alternate source of energy for your company.
We’re set up according to specialized practice areas of marketing and design. What makes our focus unique is our complete dedication to it. A dedication that results in partnerships that produce truly inspired work.
We live and breathe specialization.
Everyone at Aquent is deeply knowledgeable about specific areas of marketing and design. Many of our agents have worked as talent for companies or as marketers within companies looking for talent. They are completely immersed in the latest trends and technology as well as future trends and technology. They are niche experts. Their levels of insight and skill are why we designed this website the way we have -– to make it easy for you to find the right agent and the right talent or job.
Agents mean everything. Borders mean nothing.
For companies, the zealous dedication of our agents to particular practice areas and their commitment to building long-term relationships with your company help us truly understand your needs. Our agents connect you with talented marketers and designers perfectly suited to the jobs, who work quickly, efficiently, and cost-effectively.
For talent, we will help you find jobs that are not only perfectly suited to your skills, but that push your skills and help you continue to grow. Our agents’ long-term commitment to your talent and your goals helps you build a career and a life doing as much with your passion as you can.
Find an agent in the following practice areas:
Online Marketing
Interactive Design
Graphic Design
