Arts In Marketing
Arts In Marketing
254 Agua Vista Street
Debary, FL
(407) 430-9882
Aim Internet Traffic in Your Direction !
We Target Your Audience With Press Releases | News Releases | Event Releases | Product Releases | Writing and Distribution Services
Arts In Marketing provides affordable and proven press release services for individuals, services and small, medium or big businesses including targeted news release distribution, news release writing, product release writing and distribution as well as event promotional releases all utilizing our strategic optimization methods.
Allow More Customers to Take Aim at Your Product or Service Use Press Releases By Arts In Marketing
An Arts in Marketing written press release can be the most cost effective way to enhance your company’s presence on the internet. A well written press release submitted in a timely manner through the right channels is a great way to gain more internet exposure quickly and economically.
The internet is the top source of information for journalists with 98% of all journalists using the internet for research on a daily basis and 73% of these journalists go on-line specifically to find press releases.
An Arts in Marketing press release can generate enormous publicity that you could not afford otherwise. Most press releases distributed through news-wire services are now picked up by on-line news aggregates such as Google, Yahoo and MSN Live News with in a matter of days.
Don’t underestimate the power of such a listing as millions of people use these sites for their news. Whether you want to publicize your show or simply attract a broader audience, there is no better way to leverage your limited time, energy, and money than to do a press release.
Arts in Marketing also offers additional Internet Marketing, Promotion and Advertising Services Customized to your needs and budget.
If you want to increase traffic to your site and earn more business we can help. Put our 20 years of sales and marketing experience to work for you.
Arts in Marketing will get the results you want with out making promises that are too good to be true and at a fair price. We have developed marketing and promotional strategies that are tested and proven effective.
2009 Arts In Marketing
