Bluewater Inet Group Llc
Bluewater Inet Group Llc
201 Long Avenue
Port St Joe, FL 32456-1703
PH: (850) 229-8149
Bluewater iNet Group LLC began operations in January 1996 as Hometown Internet Publishing, a home-based business in Port St. Joe, Florida. In March of that year, we opened our doors to the online world by establishing our first portal site. We partnered with the Gulf County Chamber of Commerce, allowing the site to be used as the official Web site for the Gulf County Chamber of Commerce, helping the chamber expand its membership base as a goal. The site included a collection of pages about the Gulf County, Florida and Mexico Beach areas, and an "Online Yellow Pages" that included many local businesses.
At that same time, we established web sites for 13 enterprising businesses, and used the portal site to promote the business sites. The size of the Gulf County portal site continued to grow throughout 1996, and quickly expanded to include local news and community calendar information. In March of 1997, the Gulf County portal site was named "Gulf Online", and content was expanded to include a broader range of information about the area. In late 2004, the Chamber decided to pursue a site of their own. The Gulf County portal site ( continues to operate as an independant portal site for the Gulf County area, its single purpose being to direct traffic to the websites of local area business.
In August 1996, a similar site was started for the Apalachicola, Eastpoint, Carrabelle and St. George Island area in partnership with the Apalachicola Bay Chamber of Commerce, and web sites were created for many of the businesses served by that organization. The Apalachicola Bay area site ( continues to grow, as more businesses recognize the potential of such an enterprise.
In October 1998 we began a web portal project to assist the newly organized Mexico Beach Community Development Council, providing more exposure for the Mexico Beach area. The portal site for the Mexico Beach area can be found at
Now into our eighth year of operation, our client list has grown to include more than 200 businesses and organizations, each client bringing to the table their own distinct needs and challenges. Our staff has also grown to include Andrew Davis, a talented young man without whom we would never be able to keep up with the growth we have experienced.
September of 2003 our name was changed to Bluewater iNet Group, LLC, launching us toward the years to come with a new look, and the same committment to personal service, design excellence and innovation. Our portal sites continue to grow as does our list of satisfied, successful clients and website projects.
