Brooksville Computer
Brooksville Computer
27047 Frampton Ave
Brooksville, Florida 34602
(352) 232-1678
Internet Search Engine Optimization (aka SEO) is the process of helping search engines, web content and web searchers all be in agreement with one another. What's the worst thing that can happen when people use the search engines to find your products or services? The WORST thing that can happen is that YOUR site doesn't come up on the first page or two in Google, Yahoo Search or Bing Search. What about "direct traffic", though, the kind typed directly into the address bar? Won't you get enough traffic to your site that way? Not according to the Washington Post - The Washington Post says that only 15% of web traffic is generated by typing the destination into the address bar. So search engine results account for the majority of traffic. Links to your site from other sites? They also count as a major part of SEO.
With 216 million Americans now using the Internet, you literally have millions of good reasons to optimize your business Web site. To reach even a fraction of those potential customers though, you need a well-designed site that has been optimized for the search engines and written to promote your specific products and services in such a way that they sell.Big company or small makes no difference to the shopper.
With a web site you get global exposure.
You will increase your overall sales revenue with increased Web related purchases.
You will reduce Web related customer acquisition costs by 66% with reduced service costs (Acquiring customers online costs less than one-third of the cost of acquiring customers in other channels).
2004 - 2009 - Florida Search Engine Optimization
