Business Link Marketing
Business Link Marketing
4610 Ave Longchamps
Lutz, FL
(813) 675-4425
Search Engine Optimization
Your Prospects are looking for your products and services. Will you be Found?
Search Engine Optimization is the process of customizing your website to be indexed properly by major search engines for keywords content and links, and marketing specifically targeted keywords, content and links relative to your business to achieve the best possible search engine results.
Do You Need Search Engine Optimization?
Consider this:
â– More than 60% of consumers and small business owners use the internet first for information about local companies.
â– More than 80% use a search engine to do so
â– Most people will not look beyond the first three pages of search results, and many don't even click past the first page if they find what they're looking for.
Think about your own experience using search engines. Are you likely to look past page three of your search results? Page One? The fact is, if your site isn't listed in the first three pages, it might as well be invisible.
Done correctly, Search Engine Optimization (SEO) results in improved position on search engine results pages (SERPS), making you visible. It brings people to your site that are actually looking for what you are offering. You know they're looking for it because they typed in a key word or phrase that is directly related to your content. In short, SEO ensures that you can be found.
Be visible, Be Found. Contact us for your SEO consultation today.
Copyright 2009 Business Link Marketing
