Digital Media Concepts GROUP, llc.
Digital Media Concepts GROUP, llc.
32640 Vista Ave.
Leesburg, FL. 34788
(352) 504-4640
We provide Consumers and Businesses with web-based Services, each is
designed exclusively tailored to the target markets we are focusing on.
Listed below are some of the Products, and Services we provide;
Our Web-Based Business Service Directories provide local communities a
local resource for local Businesses and Service Providers.
We provide High Visibility, Professional, Low Cost Advertising for the local
Businesses and Service Providers. Our advertising group can design
advertising with links to a business's websites, audio links, or video links to
provide a broader spectrum of information on Advertiser's Business.
Let Digital Media Concepts assist your business in the design and
development of your Website.
Let Digital Media Concepts assist your business in developing Audio, Video
PowerPoint Presentations, or Infomercials.
Expand your business advertising by providing a more indepth resource of
information about your business to your customers.
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