Go Online Smart Solutions
Go Online Smart Solutions
7920 N Colony
Tamarac, Florida, 33321
Phone No: 310-435-0409
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) or Search Engine Positioning (SEP) is in essence a service covering several research and processes to re-engineer and fine tune all visible and invisible elements/ useful contents of web site pages. The goal is that the Search Engines and Directories gladly index these pages in it's database and grant best possible ranks. And return the most relevant page to their users upon their searching for the products, services, information they require by using relevant keyword / phrase / theme into it's search window. This is the first step towards strategic move to online marketing, image building, brand value, building relationships with the people, communities, and organizations whether near or far away from you. This service is also combined with several other services in order to help retain great search engine ranking across the targeted geographical areas.
It is essential that the service providers and the web site owners ensure implementation without any spam and unethical means for long-term stability, name, fame and business integrity.
This is a complex, intricate, research oriented and time consuming but essential service to secure one's online position, the world is moving towards. Yet not many website owners are familiar with SEO or SEP. Obviously to them the service might look very simple, irrelevant to their existing achievements and non realistic to their goals. Explaining otherwise is a lengthy subject. At this moment we can simply say that those who believe that their achievements are not really the end of progress may continue to read the article section and subscribe to our free newsletter (coming up in the near future) to know the realities. The eventual success that should arise from this service is doubtful unless the offline marketing experts of the respective site owner actively participate, identify unique offline marketing process for translating into online operation as well and co-operate in the "spirit of partnership".
The common prescribed Search Engine Optimization/ positioning techniques are nothing more than a cosmetic treatment. Every web site is unique, and therefore every Optimization or Marketing Plan must be researched and tailored according to ones unique individual need.
Dogmatic repetition or Auto -Submission of the site to Thousands of Engines is likely to cause more damages in present than doing any thing good for the future.
Besides, each search engine has it's own unique algorithm/criteria for indexing and ranking the web sites and these criteria are moving targets. Honest and sincere Search Engine Optimizers continuously research and discover applications, interact with the other Reputed SEOs and site owners, advent and share new creations that could meet with their businesses challenges to provide genuine search engine optimization service to the web community in general and their clients in particular.
Why Search Engine Optimization /Search Engine Positioning ?
Need not, if you do not have any online dream, ambition or plan to full fill. But if a Web site owner has at the least an indication that he should secure his online position also, then there is no time to waste.
Targeted traffic.
Most visitors accessing your site through a Search Engine are educated and serious about the information they are searching for. They are qualified in the subject they deal in and have very limited time for online searches. If these surfers find on your site, what they need they are your most targeted customers and are expected to make a purchase (b2c) or make a serious business enquiry (b2b) than someone clicking on an attractive banner ad just out of curiosity.
You can certainly reach your targeted market through your educative and persuasive Web site alone without having to make cold calls provided your site is genuinely qualified to get good ranks and is thus visible in major Engines and Directories upon searching with common keywords / phrases.
Cost-effective compared to Advertising.
A key-phrase banner ad campaign does cost from US$2,500 to US$35,000 per month, depending on the number of key phrases. Whereas professional SEO campaign with an equivalent number of key phrases will cost comparitively lesser and be more cost-effective.
A powerful branding tool.
A study by NPD Group reported that search engines out performed banner ads three to one. More than double the respondents recognized companies listed in the top three search positions than those companies appeared through banners ads.
Produces high conversion rates.
Search engine traffic predominates, banner ads and also email-marketing campaigns by yielding more purchases, by submitting the online form, requesting for newsletter subscriptions or catalog etc.
Search Engine Optimization/ Positioning/ Ranking Service & Complexities.
There are presently three billion pages on the Web. About 200 million Web pages are said to be listed in each search engine. To let your web pages be identified from such a vast ocean poses a greater challenge than a real time office serving certain pre-determined geographical area to identify such information.
In order to complete this complex service in a systematic manner, achieve reasonable success and retain it's value for the clients, E-web4u after considerable research & development, practical experience gained in course of solving the problems encountered, have divided the Implementation Plan of this complex service into five Major SEO Steps, so that, there is essential transparency & no undue hardship to either of the parties.
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