Hypertext Marketing Services
Hypertext Marketing Services
9460 Meadowood Dr
Ste 205
Fort Pierce, FL
(800) 693-3481
Do you feel confident your Yellow Pages, newspaper, TV, or radio ads are attracting all your potential customers?
Ten years ago companies reached their consumers through trade shows, print advertising, and other traditional marketing methods. Today, consumers start their shopping experience by looking on the Internet, in search engines, the blogosphere, and social media. In order to remain competitive, businesses need to be found online.
Traditional print advertising is becoming less effective each year. Already 54% of people have traded in their old Yellow Pages and solely search online and this number is growing daily. The cost to print and physically send mailers is increasing faster than the return on investment. Newspaper readership is rapidly declining while the cost to place a classified has remained steady.
Your customers are already searching online, LocalAdLink can help make your business stand out.
Local cable and radio are also changing - with the arrival of TIVO, people are skipping commercials more than ever and now with satellite radio such as XM and Sirius, local programming is becoming harder and harder to find.
There is no question that the Internet is now a mainstream medium. In 2009, the US Internet population will grow to nearly 200 million users, or 65% of the total population. By 2013, 221 million people will be online, nearly 70% of the population.
More women are coming online, and so are more users ages 35 and older. Average time spent online by US adults shot up to 14 hours per week in 2008, compared with 11 hours in 2007. Nearly two-thirds of adults claim they go online every day, the majority for more than one hour.
LocalAdLink and The Internet
Reaching new customers in your local area is vital to your continued success and internet advertising with LocalAdLink can help.
The revolutionary part of LocalAdLink is that we take your business listing and push it out onto the web. What does this mean for you? Well, we're not just sitting back and waiting for people to visit LocalAdLink, we are pro-actively pushing your listing out through our partner web sites.
Your listing can be seen on some of the most popular web sites, search engines, and social networks in America. Some of these include Google, Yahoo, MSN, AOL, Ask.com, Earth link, YouTube, GMAIL, About.com, Napster, PGA.com, Redbook, Hollywood.com, Monster.com, MySpace, LinkedIn, Friendster, Bebo, Hi5, Orkut, MiGente and BOOMj.
But the best part is our geo-targeting software that shows your ad only to people in your local area ensuring you get the most value for your internet advertising dollar.
Watch our video presentation below to learn how our internet advertising program can connect more local customers to your business.
LocalAdLink offers a variety of low, fixed cost internet advertising packages to fit your business needs.
Don't get left behind! Contact Us for more information and let us show you how we can deliver more local customers and profits to your business today.
2009 AdLinkReview.com
