3339 Virginia St #125
Coconut Grove, Florida, 33133
Phone No: 305-728-4641
infinimedia develops and delivers meticulously designed and powered websites to professionals and small businesses. Need to give your site a user-interface makeover or re-vamp an existing site? infinimedia can also provide strategic consulting to boost your web based ventures. With over ten years experience in web production, infinimedia has a competitive stake in the interactive virtual market. clientsrange from small businesses to multi-national corporations.
Founded during the Fall of 1996, incorporated in the Fall of 1997, infinimedia initiated business as an online publisher for the popular website Mac Mania. An internationally recognized site that earned accolades in a number of books and magazines, Mac Mania was one of the first independent mac resource sites to provide daily news, product reviews, and other mac-related resources. Several subsites and associated sites spawned from the main news sites, including: GUI-Mania, iMacOnline, iBookOnline, MacinSites, and The popularity of these sites spurred the creation of the infiniMedia Network, which served as a central brokerage for mac-oriented website advertising.
infinimedia evolved to become a high caliber web design and software development firm, specializing in building enterprise style software that runs on affordable Linux and MySQL-based webservers. infinimedia’s core business philosophy: provide practical, affordable e-business solutions.
infinimedia is focused on bringing enterprise level cost efficiencies and technological advantages to the small business owner worldwide. By creating easy to use tools that offer little to no maintenance on the small business side, our customers can tackle projects and customers previously inaccessible to them. The world is flattening according to Thomas Friedman, and by bringing the big guy software to the little guy, we are trying to expedite that process.
infinimedia flattens the virtual world by bundling websites and web applications. Projects are not limited to business applications, however. We are also working on several consumer-facing projects (Castvertising and Campusfix). infinimedia prides itself in using cutting edge development tools for rapid development such as Ruby on Rails and PHP5/CakePHP.
infinimedia, cutting edge solutions for a social world
