Interactive Marketing Studios, Inc.
Interactive Marketing Studios, Inc.
5735 Crestview Drive
Lady Lake, FL 32159
Phone: 877-269-6339
Fax: 352-350-7329
Is your company utilizing internet marketing?
Expanding use and success of the internet forces companies to explore alternative internet marketing opportunities. Internet marketing research and implementation along with Search Engine Optimization (SEO), ad words, and website optimization is only the beginning and can employ a number of full-time dedicated staff some organizations cannot figure into their budgets. SEO, Web site optimization and numerous other factors are vital. Tracking the results of the search engine and ad words and also tracking the return on investment is a job within itself. Unfortunately, having great products and services can be overlooked by potential customers if your website is poorly designed, out-of-date, or difficult to navigate. If your corporate Website is poorly designed and information is difficult to find, the information seeker may be driven to a competitor.
Among the budget for a magnitude of marketing options, technology needs to be implemented. Overuse of technologies within an internet campaign can send potential customers to a competitor the same way poorly designed print ads can. In any marketing campaign ads have to grab the attention of potential buyers without distracting them while also following the guidelines of the media company that you have employed for advertising. A common mistake is cheap animation intended to get the buyers attention but instead is perceived as annoying and drives them away. The highest results are realized from using a clean ad that directly links to the product or service.
How professional is your internet marketing campaign?
Does your corporate website and internet advertisement project your corporate image? Companies today neglect investing in websites which reflect their complete image. Unfortunately, numerous companies maintain websites which are difficult to navigate and project an outdated image which employ outdated technologies. Just as advertising should communicate to all levels of an audience, use of technology needs to be accessible by users of high speed and dial-up internet services.
IMSI can improve your web presence.
Interactive Marketing Studios can assist with a website re-design or a ground-up web presence to portray your corporation in a professional manner. Researching Website design options and partnering it with an internet marketing campaign, Internet Marketing Studios can create and implement the latest technologies in website design, email marketing, website graphics, internet ads, and web content.
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