Internet Marketing Logic, Inc.
Internet Marketing Logic, Inc.
3301 Bonita Beach Road
Suite 308
Bonita Springs, Florida 34134
Phone# 239-495-3940
Fax# 239-495-9888
Cell Phone# 239-465-9048
Toll Free 888-495-3940
In the past five months the Internet has undergone more changes than in the last three years. The Internet changes are directed mostly at the localized “Home Town†service companies and small retailers. The large search engines are launching new “local†programs designed to help the user find local products and services more efficiently. Jupiter Research reports that 87% of all web users are using the Internet as a directory service to find phone numbers, contact information, or directions. The result of this is a trend of localizing the Internet. Eventually you will be able to type into a browser “dentist†and only local dentists will show up in the results page. Yahoo and Google now realize that the Internet has omitted 93% of small, local service industries and retailers. Google, Yahoo, MSN, and now AOL, are all releasing outstanding tools that make searching for local, home town products and services easier than asking the person standing next to you.
Internet Marketing Logic understands all the options available for local companies that range from online phone book directories, local search engine options, and even connecting your company to referral and affiliate sites. Factoid: the last phone book for office distribution is projected to be delivered in November of 2011. We can get you fully included into the Local Internet programs even if your company doesn’t have a web site. Although we do recommend a supporting web site for detailed online service and product information. As you can see, no matter what size the company, you will need to explore all your local online options to compete in today’s business arena. Internet Marketing Logic will meet with you, explain all your options, and we will outline a program that will make the best sense for your location, company size, and budget.
We would love to meet with you to discuss how we can market your company locally on the web.
2008 Internet Marketing Logic, Inc.
