Localize It
Localize It
122 Golf Club Ln, Ste B
Venice, FL
(941) 234-8961
Localize It is here to help businesses of any size be found on the internet which in turn becomes a HIGH return on investment for any business owner(s) that has a geographical area. We believe through market research and years of internet advertising experience that a website alone, online, cannot deliver results that deliver returns. Your probably thinking, "This sounds expensive"? Are you advertising in print ads (Yellow Pages), TV, or radio? These campaigns are costing you over 30% to even 60% of what an internet advertising campaign could cost you. (see testimonials) Localize It has also found that over 41% of internet users searching on the internet call the business once they locate them on the internet. Think about this; when was the last time you wanted to purchase a good/ service. Did you use the internet? Did you directly purchase it off the net or did you call the businesses? What if you can't be found? Are your products, services, or brands being sought out online? All good and very relevant questions of why Localize It is in business.
Maybe more geographical local visibility is where your business needs to utilize their marketing funds. In which case, Localize It will manually submit your business and website into over 85 directories and portals making you more visible to other buyers and searchers in your geographical location. Currently, Google, Yahoo, MSN, and other search engines alike are looking at geographical businesses for page 1 results, however Localize It has no control over changes they may make in future. Google maps are now appearing for any search you perform on their directory. NO zip code or geographical location needs to be identified. Call us today to get you listed and retain additional business. (click here to read more on Local Directory Submission and Local Listings)
Localize It's trained staff uses high level internet strategies that help deliver results for not only local search engine optimization placement service but can also deliver results for broader keyword search phrases or long tail search terms with high search volume competition.
Localize It uses reporting systems and white hat seo measures to define where your website is and how it is being viewed by the major search engines. If you aren't receiving a high amount of traffic than there is a good possibility you are missing details that are penalizing your website causing you to miss out on traffic which your competition is cashing in on.
Penalties! What penalties?
- Your link popularity?
- Your market focus?
- You haven't developed a good sound Meta Tag or Title Tag?
What does all this mean?!?
Call a Localize It representative at 888-666-0231 to discuss how to resolve these issues further!
What if Localize It, could bring more qualified customers to your website or storefront? What if Localize It could get your phone to ring more often? These visitors are pre-qualified and ready to buy; because they searched for you using targeted keyword terms or phrases. Our seo local ranking internet strategies have saved realtors, attorneys, insurance agents, mom/pop restaurants, etc.. tons of money, by utilizing local placement and internet marketing.
