MDO Studios
MDO Studios
14552 Larkspur Lane
Wellington, FL
(954) 817-6769
Frank Pipolo - Internet Marketing
Frank has 15 years of Internet marketing experience within the industries of real estate, retail, recruiting, and education. VP of Online Marketing, Frank was responsible for the development and execution of all Internet marketing activities including Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Search Engine Marketing (SEM), Paid Search Optimization, Email Marketing, Web Conversion Optimization, Social Media Marketing, and Brand Reputation Management.
Some of Frank’s accomplishments are as follows:
Increased Google indexed pages to over 2 million over network of web sites.
Increased Google recorded back links to from 0 to 1,700.
Increased pages indexed for in Google’s database from 1 (1998) to 900,000 (December, 2004).
Due to increased traffic; sales increase from less than $100,000 (1996) to over 3.3 million (2004).
Increased E-zine subscriptions from less than 100 (start) to over 53,000 (December, 2004).
Internal affiliate program yielded an average pay-per-click cost of $.20 per click and a 500% increase in leads over traditional pay per click advertising.
From January, 2004 through December, 2005; VIP Tour (developed appointment scheduling service) was credited with selling 12 homes.
Marco is a very gifted web developer that understands search engine optimization and how to apply SEO within the web sites he develops. This is a quality that is a must for a developer within a company that specializes in Internet Marketing.
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