Perrydyse Marketing
Perrydyse Marketing
37118 Shadow Wood Lane
Fruitland Park, FL 34731
Search Engines index pages; not sites, and they do it just like the library uses index cards to keep track of their books. As long as a page is identifiable concerning the message that it’s trying to convey, it can be properly indexed.
Unfortunately, most websites are built without any thought about the message. Everyone thinks it’s all about the glitz… but that couldn’t be further from the truth. And, webmasters either try to cram all kinds of information on to a page or they don’t hardly say anything at all. Either way, the site is not going to get the attention of the Search Engines (let alone your customers and prospects).
Each pages on your site has to let the Search Engines know what specifically the page is all about.
They need to contain good, solid content that talks directly about a subject (not subjects).
They need to contain text that Search Engines can read – not Flash®. Flash is a movie and Search Engines do not understand movies yet so never build a complete Flash website if you are serious about getting customers to your site. (But don’t take our word for it, here is an article about the subject and here is another.)
They need to have clear text navigation
And, the site should contain a Search Engine approved site map (Your visitor doesn’t have to know it’s there as long as the Search Engines can find it. This one has one but we don’t include it in our navigation because the site isn’t that big.)
Learn more about On-Page SEO at the Local Search Engine Optimization page.
SEM… Stage Two – Advertising to the masses
Search Engine Marketing is the art of getting people to your site using “off-page†factors. There are a number of ways this is accomplished but results are seldom achieved overnight. SEM is an ongoing process that requires a lot of time and attention; therefore, should be part of your ongoing advertising budget. Fortunately, the expense can and should be distributed over a period of time.
SEM should be equated to the kind of money you spent (or, maybe, still spend) on phone book, newspaper, television and/or radio advertising. None of these offline methods are one-time shots either. When you place a display ad in the phone book, you are on the hook for the entire year and it’s usually pretty costly each month – especially considering the return on investment.
Although newsprint, television and radio do not require such a long term, to be effective it takes more than one ad to make the advertising campaign effective. Online marketing is no different except that your typical online prospect is already looking for what you have to offer when they find you. Just like your offline advertising, the effectiveness of your message will either turn your prospect into a customer or drive them to your competitor.
Unfortunately, many businesses think of their websites as something they “haveâ€. They do not really give it the time, thought and budget that they put into their offline campaigns and, any more, that is a HUGE mistake.
Is it really THAT important to get good ranking?
As we stated previously on this site, a large number of people who go offline and buy use the internet to make their decision BEFORE THEY EVEN LEAVE THEIR HOME. Is that any different than how people used to use the phone book to find you?
Here is evidence of the importance of good SEM versus the money spent on phone book advertising:
“In June, 2007, comScore Networks reported that 60% of local consumers now go online to search for local businesses, as opposed to 33% that go first to the printed yellow pages. That same comScore study indicated that 80% of the consumers that search online for a business, a product or a service make an offline purchase at a local store.â€
Now, do you still think that spending your advertising budget on phone book ads is as smart as it was in the past when, for the same amount or less, you could be reaching two to three times as many prospects?
Read more about SEM specifics here.
Or contact us and we will be glad to provide you with a free, no-hassle 1-hour consulting session. We bet you will learn more about advertising in today’s marketplace in that hour than you can imagine.
