Revive Media Services
Revive Media Services
119 Hollywood Blvd.
Fort Walton Beach, FL 32548
(850) 362-0001
Can't wait for organic search results? Search engine traffic can be yours at a very low cost. Your results are based on targeted keywords with prices as low as $.10 per click.
Search Engine Marketing is a form of internet marketing that is rooted in promoting your Web site on pages like Yahoo, Google and MSN through their services:Google Adwords, Yahoo Search Marketing and Microsoft AdCenter. All of these products will give you the tools to write and promote small ads that will be tracked with very detailed statistics such as the number of impressions, the number of clicks your ad receives and your click through ratio. These marketing tools are very flexible when trying to promote your products or Web site to a certain geographic location. You can be as specific as entering a zip code and as general as picking a state or a country.
There are an estimated 20 billion web pages on the internet and with so many competitors it can be difficult to get visitors or customer leads on the initial launch of your Web site. Search Engine Marketing is a great way to establish steady visitors while you wait for your organic search results to gain popularity.
There are a number of strategies to employ in Search Engine Marketing. Some are common sense that you're doing without even thinking about it, but others may be new concepts to you. First, consider keywords that succinctly describe your business. These must be words that are different from your company name and more descriptive. Use these words in page titles, headings, sentences of explanation and paragraphs with details. As a page title, use as few filler words as possible; keep these short and concise. These are the words that people will most likely be using to search for your services. Search engines use words that are in a page headline and also subheadings, so these words must accurately reflect the content of that particular page. Also in the body of text on each page, repeat these keywords in the first paragraph. Search engines begin at the beginning.
While your flash and JavaScript menus and elements are eye-catching to view, they do nothing for search engines which don't read JavaScript and Flash. Make sure you also include HTML links at the bottom of the page in this case or employ a sitemap with links to each page.
Creating separate pages is another "trick" to employ in the search engine game. Instead of using a single heavily texted page that describes your entire business, break it up into smaller pages using separate keywords for each page.
A simple way to bring more traffic is to make sure your street address, zip code and phone number are on every page of your site. This will help people making search by location. Submitting your site to directories is another common oversight. Open Directory Project provides content feeds to all major search engines and provides a link to your site. Other directories are through Yahoo, and Different industries often have their own directories which can be explored as well. Also consider a back page to include links to other sites making a reciprocal agreement so you can be included on theirs. Also consider traditional periodicals such as newspapers and trade magazines to advertise your site. And always include your URL on any literature you supply to the public, such as brochures, flyers, business cards, stationery, etc.
If you are looking to get fast traffic results with your Web site, call us to get more information or schedule and appointment to set up your Search Engine Marketing needs.
