S&L Consulting Services
S&L Consulting Services
20063 Wildwood Drive
Brooksville, FL 34601
We provide a wide variety of services for local businesses:
Keyword Research
Keyword research is the most important element of online business. On the Internet a business is found by the keywords people enter in the search engines. Identifying the keywords potential customers enter is the key to online success. In addition to the keywords for your business it is important to combine those with the location names near your business. This powerful combination will then lay the groundwork for all major traffic techniques from search engine optimization, to being found in local search and also in pay per click advertising.
Search Engine Domination
Google and other search engines have three different areas where they return search related results. On the top and righ hand side they display ads related to the keywords the user entered. Often, for certain keywords, they will display a map with the locations and names of 10 local businesses. The third area is the natural search results.
We help you dominate all three of these results so you can be found on the Internet by potentials customers looking for products or services like yours.
Local Business Search Results
Google and other search engines will often provide a map with listings of 10 of the top businesses related to those keywords. This is often the first place consumers look at when trying to find a local business. We help your site get ranked high in the local search to provide you with a steady stream of qualified prospects and customers.
Natural Search Results
The natural search results are often the most trusted results because these are the results the search engines have scoured the earth to find as the best sites to show related to what they think the user is looking for. We provide a service to help you get ranked high in the natural search results bringing more prospects and customers.
Pay Per Click
The third area search engines show are the paid advertisements. We create the ads, organize the keywords, create the campaigns and optimize the results providing you with another stream of prospects and customers. This is the quickest way to get new prospects and customers to your site.
Article Marketing
We write articles and distribute them on article directories. These articles are rich with the most important keywords related to your business. By creating and distributing article in article directories, prospects have other ways of running across information about you and your business that extends beyond search engines. These articles are often republished in newsletters and other websites bringing prospects that not only are interested in the topic of the article but are very inclined to do business with you because of the information the learned about you in the article.
Blog Marketing
We create and maintain one or more blogs for you. The search engines love blogs especially if they are updated regularly. We provide the expertise to set up an optimized blog, then create regular blog posts that are rich with your targeted keywords, then we publish and announce the new post to over 51 blog directories. Like article marketing, blog brings in customers not currently searching using search engines. It also helps you get ranked higher in search engines two, a two for one marketing technique, bringing in both direct traffic through readers reading the blog posts but also through improving your search engine rankings.
Video Marketing
With the popularity of Youtube and other video sites, it is important to have videos on these services to be “found†by prospects and customers. Youtube is not the second more popular place where people search for solutions to their problems. We provide simple yet effective videos that will lead more prospects to your site and grow your business.
Online Press Releases
Another way for prospects to stumble upon information about your business is to use press releases. In the old days, press releases would be created and then sent via fax to newspapers and magazines that targeted your desired prospects. Now with the advent of online press release distribution services, a press release can be created and distributed electronical. It provides the double benefit of getting more information about to a broad range of users and also increases the number of links back to your site. So you get immediate traffic from people reading your press releases plus you improve your search engine rankings, leading more people to visit your site when they are searched for terms related to you. We create the press releases and then distribute them electronically for you.
List Building
One of the most important services we provide is to build your lists of prospects and customers. Often people coming across a website are just in the curiosity stage. They are seeing who has a product or service they might need in the future, or maybe they need it now but don’t actually have the time or resources to take pursue it right now. We help you entice visitors to your site, provide you with their name and email address so you can regularly contact them providing information about your products and services. Then when the time is right they are reminded of your capabilities and buy from you.
How many time have you searched for some solution on the Internet only to get a phone call or have an important meeting come up keeping you from taking action. This happens with people visiting your site as well. An online business can often double or triple their sales rate just by carefully building their list of prospects and developing a relationship with them.
Testing and Tracking
Too many online businesses take actions to improve their traffic or get more visitors to take action like calling your company but then never check to see if it is actually improving. It is like shooting arrows in the dark and never looking at the target to see if you need to adjust your aim. We build that into everything we do. We not only try different keywords, different wording, different calls to action, we track which combinations provide the best results. Even small improvements in 5 or 10 areas of traffic and conversion can have dramatic results in growing your business.
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