Searcharium-Web Design, SEO and SEM
Searcharium-Web Design, SEO and SEM
7833 Nw 124th Ter,
Parkland, FL
(954) 895-6406
Marketing Your Website
PPC-A New Era in Marketing
Pay per click advertising puts your business in front of online customers looking to buy. In fact, many of consumers start their Internet visit at a search engine! Reach customers searching for what you have to offer!
Paid search marketing also referred to as Pay Per Clicks (PPC) is the various sponsored listing advertisements that appear in addition to the organic search listings. These ads occupy premium spots on search engines, directories and other search results. Although these programs can be quite labor intensive and expensive, they do often offer quick results and when combined with proper Search Engine Optimization (SEO), can be an effective tool to increase your websites exposure in bringing in targeted visitors and increasing sales.
Click here to see and example of where Pay Per Clicks (PPC) is positioned.
Never in the history of marketing has a company been able to pay as little as a few cents to capture the attention of prospective buyers who are searching for products and services. Simply stated, Pay per Click (SEM) has revolutionized the way we advertise. According to statistics, millions of searches are made every day. In fact, while you're reading this, people could be looking for your products and services. At Searcharium, we’ll make sure that they find you quickly and cost-effectively. If you have yet to invest in PPC, take steps to do that today. You could be missing one of those opportunities of a lifetime. And remember, Searcharium will go where you want to grow!
PPC-What Really Counts
Though critical to the success of any campaign are the managerial skills and the time required to test strategies, bid against competitors, and monitor budgets; it's still the results that count!
PPC-Bidding For Success
With our state of the art technology, Searcharium's methodology gains access to an automated bid management procedure. We can properly bid on words across thousands of keywords while automatically controlling the time bid. To accomplish this on your own would require that you employ experts in linguistics and a permanent 24/7 support technician.
Searcharium, while saving you time and money, will increase traffic to your website through bidding on keywords related to your business in search engines like Google, Live and Yahoo.
Pay Per Clicks - PPC-Strategic Advantages
•Targeted success for targeted pay
•Cost effectiveness
•Region control
•You decide your budget
•Immediate results
Pay Per Clicks – SEM- PPC’s Searcharium's Commitment to You
•Account Setup
•Free ongoing changes to your campaign
•Industry and target market research
•Selection of appropriate keywords
•Competitive keyword pricing
•Ad copy creation with titles and descriptions
•Price bid management
•Overhead control
•Unlimited keywords and changes to your ads
•Conversion tracking
•Monthly campaign tweaking
•Monthly reporting
