Target Direct Media
Target Direct Media
2525 Cypress Street
Panama City Beach, FL
(850) 624-2779
Search Engine Optimation (SEO) is vital for the survival of your business's website as it struggles to be seen in the massive jungle of web pages. You can have the best website in the world that has the most effective sales conversion techniques built in, is the best designed, award winning site, etc., but if targeted prospects are not looking at it, none of the rest matters. It simply fails to produce.
SEO is both an art and a science. Because it is both (art and science), it is never precise. It is always a work in progress. The reason is that the algorhythms that the major search engines employ are always changing. Webmasters are always "cracking the code" so to speak and then some of them abuse the system to spam the search engines. So the programmers with the search engines are always playing a "cat and mouse" game and changing the rules without notice.
Therefore it is wise to not use "black hat" methods to get high rankings on the search engines which may get you ranked very high very quickly, but can also be very short lived, or even get your site banned by the search engine! You should use the "white hat" way, which is to say you are playing by the rules. This means you do the things that the search engine likes to see, such as having relevant content in your site, don't "keyword spam" (overloading too many of the same key word, or placing non-relevant keywords in your site), acquire a lot of backlinks to your site, etc.
You can get these backlinks (links from outside websites that point to your site) from many sources and it can be time consuming to undertake, but it must be done if you want high rankings. You can get them from writing articles and posting them on the articles sites like, or by posting press releases on the press release sites. You can get them by setting up accounts with the numerous social networking sites (Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, etc.). You can get them by creating a blog and by writing comments on other people's blogs or forums. You can list your site in several online directories. There are tons and tons of places to set up backlinks to your site.
Target Media Direct can help you establish first page ranking in the search engines if you do not have the time for this undertaking yourself. We would need to assess your site, the keywords you want to use, your competitors rankings, etc. Then we will give you a written proposal. When we undertake your project, you will receive regular work reporst, traffic reports and page ranking results. Just plan on your project lasting several months because unless you use the above mentioned black hat methods (which you would be strongly advised against), you can't expect immediate results. However, we can usually get your site ranked on page one within days or weeks by starting with videos and at the same time start the other processes.
As mentioned above, SEO is always a work in progress, but it is a work that will pay for itself many times over!
