Virticle Corp
Virticle Corp
3410 Oakmont Street
Pensacola, Florida 32503
Toll Free (800) 991-6609
Web marketing is an essential part of your on-line business. To generate sales, you need to inform potential customers about your product or services. A Web marketing campaign must identify and focus on a target group that is most likely to respond to your campaign. Web marketing can help drive qualified traffic to your Website design with not just hits, but real visits
Our Web marketing experts are always available to help clients with their questions. New Web marketing avenues open every day and our staff will make sure you never miss an opportunity that could be perfect for you.
Our process for Web Marketing and ranking is Virticle Rank Advancement Methodology (Virticle RAM) which is a logical step-by-step methodology that will improve your search engine rankings.
Our Web Marketing services include:
•Target Marketing
•Search Engine Optimization
•Search Engine Express Submissions
•Pay Per Click (PPC)
•Analysis & Reporting
•Unique Content Creation
•Newsletter / eMailing List
•Online PR
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