WWWebTek, Inc.
WWWebTek, Inc.
4580 PGA Blvd, Suite 201
Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33418
FL Phone: 561-327-7349
The objective of search engine optimization is to increase web visitor counts by ranking very high in the results of searches using the most appropriate keywords describing the content of your site. This relative ranking is often viewed as a struggle to best use a few keywords, instead of a struggle to out-do your competition. If you search on your target keywords, you will see the leading site in the rankings. All you need to do is to be better than that number one site.
There are no search engine optimization secrets — just ranking and promotion methodologies to follow in order to beat your competition in obtaining a high search engine promotion ranking for desired search keywords criteria. For a major search engine, your search position, placement optimization, and web site promotion ranking are commonly controlled by META keywords and top of page text. Once you know what keywords worked for the "leaders", you can "beat the leader" and do even better! Proper web ranking optimization results requires that you beat your competition, so knowing the keywords used by your competition is the most important first step. It will become obvious that good ranking excludes keyword spamming the search engine, and that with the careful selection of your keywords that you will fare well for a little effort.
More than ever, businesses view their web sites as a way to interact with their customers and expand their business. However, many businesses still don't track or understand how well their web sites generate traffic or encourage visitors to view information, products or services. And it shows...
