Website Development Corporation
Website Development Corporation
1306 Palace Drive
Rockledge, FL
(321) 305-4446
The key to any firm's online marketing efforts is to have an online marketing plan. This may sound too simple to be worth mentioning but it is not uncommon at all for businesses to put great effort into launching a new website hoping that alone will equal great website traffic. Unfortunately that could not be farther from the truth. Before your site is even out of the gate it could be doomed, simply because it was coded in such a way that search engines will never be able to index it. Therefore it is best if your online marketing strategy is a part of your overall marketing and website design planning from the start.
When a new website is launched into the World Wide Web it might as well be sitting at the bottom of the sea. There are several reasons for this phenomenon that must be understood. The first is that it may take months before search engines find your site and index it's contents. Second is that even after being indexed for the first time most search engines (especially Google) do no like new websites. Therefor they may put your site in a probationary period so that you will get no traffic at all from them until they let you out. Third is that search engines are looking at three things above all else as they scour the web: text, links and time. The effectiveness of your online marketing strategies depend heavily on taking advantage of these characteristics.
But search engines are not the only way to generate traffic to a website. Pay Per Click advertising, referrals from other sites, e-mail campaigns, tradition advertising and promotional campaigns are all online marketing efforts worth consideration for your overall marketing strategies online.
Please contact us for effective online marketing assistance.
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